Avanthika | India

By thesparkmoments

One of the most memorable moments from my trip to Bengaluru was an interview with an influencer. Some people naturally light up a room—Avanthika was one of them. At 22, she’s an actress and influencer, fresh out of university. Her magnetic energy and contagious glow made our two-hour conversation fly by. By the end, I understood why she exudes such a positive vibe.

1. The Habit of Storing Happiness

Avanthika knows exactly what fuels her joy—watching animal videos, dancing, indulging in chocolate, collecting cute stationery, and holding on to small, happy details about herself.

These habits may seem trivial, but research proves their power. A study by Cornell University’s Professor Alice Isen found that small mood boosters significantly enhance problem-solving and creativity. In one experiment, students who watched a comedy clip solved a puzzle 75% faster than those who watched a math lecture. Another study with doctors showed that simply receiving a bag of candy (without eating it) improved their performance and job satisfaction.

Avanthika applies this principle daily. She intentionally fills her life with uplifting moments and avoids what drains her energy.

2. The Power of Autonomy

Before college, Avanthika was homeschooled—a decision she credits as life-changing. It gave her the freedom to learn at her own pace, travel, create content, and explore her passions. More importantly, it taught her to love herself.

Self-determination theory suggests that autonomy is a key driver of happiness and success. When we make choices based on our own values rather than external pressures, we feel more connected to our lives. That’s exactly how Avanthika operates.

Her favorite motto?

“Better an ‘Oops’ than a ‘What if.’”

“You will never be this young again. Get up from your bed and do some main character shit!”

She lives by these words, choosing boldness over regret.

3. A Strong Support System

Avanthika’s father is a photographer. He took photos and videos of her, which helped her become an influencer. Her mother also cheered her on every step of the way.

Studies show that people with strong emotional support bounce back faster from hardships and navigate challenges with greater resilience. Beyond her family, Avanthika has a devoted fan base—the Avicados—who give her the motivation to wake up every day with purpose. Knowing she has people rooting for her gives her the confidence to keep going.

4. Realistic Expectations

“It’s okay.” “Let it be.” Avanthika repeated these phrases often.

During our research, when we asked people about their ideal skin, many described unattainable goals—“flawless Korean glass skin,” “no wrinkles, no spots, no acne.” In contrast, Avanthika’s answer was simple: she just wanted skin good enough to leave the house without feeling self-conscious.

Some consumers use over 30 products yet still rate their skin a mere 20 out of 100. Avanthika, on the other hand, doesn’t chase perfection. She sets realistic goals and avoids unnecessary self-criticism.

5. A Positive Mindset

When asked how she envisions her skin in 10 years, Avanthika smiled and said,

“It’ll be great! My skin gave me a tough time for 21 years—I believe I deserve good skin for the next 10.”

Her response perfectly illustrates psychologist Martin Seligman’s ABC Model of Optimism:

  • A (Adversity): An event happens.
  • B (Belief): We interpret it.
  • C (Consequence): The outcome depends on our belief.

Two people can experience the same situation but react entirely differently based on how they frame it. Avanthika could have focused on the struggles of having sensitive skin, but instead, she chose to believe things would improve.

Spending time with Avanthika was a reminder of the power we all have to shape our happiness. It’s in embracing the small moments that spark joy, trusting our unique path, and releasing the need for perfection. As I left Bengaluru, I carried with me not just a sense of inspiration, but a renewed commitment to focus on the things that truly matter, and to live with the same infectious positivity that Avanthika so effortlessly embodies. Happiness doesn’t always come from big milestones, but from the little things we choose to focus on and appreciate every day. We all deserve to fill our lives with moments that make us glow—just like she does.

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